About Me


Hi! I’m Kendi! 

I am so happy you’re here and excited to share a little bit about myself!

I was born and raised in the Bay Area and now live in Los Angeles with my husband, daughter and our pug named Al.  It feels like a dream come true honestly. I’ve always wanted to live in SoCal. I went to San Jose State University and majored in Public Relations. After I graduated I jumped into the corporate world for a couple years but struggled with the hours and being away from my family. I knew I wanted to be home with my little one but also wanted my own career! I wasn’t really sure what that was going to look like but  I was knew I needed a creative outlet and a place to design. I am a creative person by nature and need that that free space to let everything flow to keep my brain for feeling too crowded. I created KlassicKendi in Sept 2017 as a place to let my design and creative skills collide with my love for shopping and clothing! I quickly fell head over heels with this space and knew I had to make KlassicKendi my self-sustaining career. It’s where my true passion lies and I was all in. I absolutely love clothes, fitness, and sharing my life with you all!  

I created this blog in hopes to help women feel beautiful, confident, and connected. I have experienced dark days where I felt isolated and alone. I never want anyone to feel that way if I can help it. When I share something, I’m sharing with my girl friends because that’s what you all are! This space has allowed me to escape and focus on joy! I hope it provides the same for you.

Thank you so much for being here!! Your support means the world to me and my family <3 


10 random things about me! 

  1. When I was younger, I wanted to be a professional singer. I sang in choir for 8+ years and really thought that was where my life was heading. Now I sing in the car and shower! 
  2. I really love clothes (like really really)
  3. I was almost killed by an elephant when I was a toddler (it was truly a freak accident) 
  4. Middle school and high school were really hard for me socially, I just didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere 
  5. I struggle with general anxiety that was triggered when I became a mama
  6. I used to be obsessed with pugs when I was little but never had one until now! 
  7. When I’m in my head or angry, I clean
  8. I love house plants!! I think we are at 14 right now! 
  9. I started my fitness/health journey in November of 2019 and have NEVER felt better
  10. I am a night owl and it’s when I do the majority of my writing!