My story

“You’re always going to wonder if you’re doing things wrong, but that’s what it means to be a mom, to care so much about someone else that you just want to be as perfect as posssible.” -Naya Rivera

Let’s face it, motherhood is a complete rollercoaster…there are times am so full of love that I feel like I could just explode and then other days I am constantly telling myself the breath…

Even though motherhood is different for everyone, I wanted to share my story in hopes that I can provide confidence and support to someone else who is trying to find their place in it.

I am a step mom to my beautiful daughter Mackenzie…We just recently moved down to SoCal and I went from a full time office drone/ part time mama to a full time, around the clock, Mom. I quit my job, started working for myself, and began to devote my whole being to this little lady. I’m not going to lie… it was a true transition… I had good days and bad days.. I had LOADS of self doubt… I had moments of thinking I was doing everything wrong… but once though days passed, I started to see myself in a new light.

There is NO rule book to this game, there is a TON of advice (some wanted and some not). I had to stop comparing myself to other moms on social media or in my life and start being myself.  Throughout this journey, I have learned that I am a freaking Bad A mom! I have helped create and foster a happy life for our little family, one that allows for consistency and for us to continue to grow as a unit.

When I quit my job, I had some co-workers warn me that I would be back and that I shouldn’t be making this jump. Boy were they wrong. There is nothing in this world that I have found more fulfilling than motherhood. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, I just keep pushing through and being true to myself and my family.

Being a step mom, in itself, is tough. It’s selfless and trying. Other mom’s look at me differently when they find out but I don’t care. Motherhood is not defined by blood.

I look at this little girl and know that she and her daddy were chosen for me for a reason. She has taught me so much about myself and lit a fire of perseverance that I have never had before. She gives me a reason to break out of my comfort zone. A reason to push through the crappy days. Motherhood has taught me to love myself and to see myself through my daughter’s eyes. I have self confidence on so many levels and have learned to truly love myself.

Being a mom is honestly exhausting but I wouldn’t have it any other way <3

**To any mommas out there who need someone to talk to, please know that I am always here to listen. xoxo


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