Asking For Help

Does anyone else feel like these last few weeks have been rough? We’ve had three car accidents in the family, colds and stomach bugs, unnecessary work stresses, cranky children galore, and lots of shiz hitting the fan. To say they have been rough, would be a vast understatement. I’ve taken many breathing time outs and have been challenged in so many ways. But on the flip side…I have learned valuable lessons and grown immensely. The most important lesson I learned, is that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with asking for help.
I am the type of person who loves to do things by myself…to a fault. I am not normally one to ask for help even if I really need it. I think it’s because I felt like asking for help, was admitting my failures and flaws. I saw it as failing. I’m talking in the past tense here because BOY has that mind set changed!
It was a humbling experience but last Sunday I hit a certain point where I became so overwhelmed and literally didn’t know where to turn. I called up my best friend and through sobs, explained how I felt. She suggested I ask my family to watch Mackenzie for a little bit, so I could have a break. Hesitant as hell, I called my amazing mother-in-law who gladly offered to watch Kenzie for me so I could just breath for a few hours. As soon as I asked for a break, I immediately felt the guilt set in. It was adding to my stress which was the exact opposite of what I was trying to accomplish. Then I asked myself, why I felt guilty and I really couldn’t come up with a legitimate reason. My family is here, willing and able to help, and I was going to let my pride prevent me from that! It was a humbling experience to say the least but I finally began to see how incredibly relieving it was.
It is more than OKAY to ask for help. In fact, it’s necessary! There is a reason they say, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Sometimes, it’s down right hard! Being a mom, you constantly have to be “ON” and ready with answers to problems you didn’t even know existed. Lost toys need to be found, torn dresses sewn, booboos need kisses….the list goes on and on. Not to mention, there are only so many whines and tears you can take before you need someone else to tag in.
For those of you who don’t know, my husband is a General Manager of a restaurant here in Los Angeles… and if anyone else has a significant other in the restaurant management industry, you know how crazy the hours can be. When Hubby’s home, he’s always ready to tag in when I need but because we took a little vacation earlier this month, he was playing catch up and worked 10 days in a row (crazy I know). With out my partner through out the day, it was just me, and I felt alone…
I am so blessed to be close to amazing family. People who in times of need, will step in to help, just as I would for them! Going forward, I will be making sure to ask for help BEFORE I hit my breaking point. I don’t need to live my life with all the weight on my shoulders. Because it’s a hell of a lot lighter to share it.
So, my advice for anyone out there who feels that they are struggling to get through the day, is to utilize the support you have surrounding you and ask for help. You’re not alone and should never feel like you are. Life is stressful no matter what walk of life you are in. But chances are, there are people out there who are right there with you!
I’ve truly developed the mindset that we should all help each other out whenever we can. It’s the only way to succeed in this crazy world. If we all worked together to get through things, the world might be a brighter place.
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