Mommy Timeouts

Mommy Timeouts

James, Kenzie and I during Spring Training! GO DODGERS

Today, I had all intentions of talking about how to balance all the different parenting styles I see on a daily basis but we woke up this morning with a cranky kid. This segment is supposed to be about my real journey with motherhood and what I’m feeling. So, I’ll save that for a later date and instead talk about “Mommy Timeouts”.

Recently I’ve been talking about our routine and how that has allowed for us to have easier mornings, but those are NOT fool proof because no body is perfect. This morning, for example, Mackenzie woke up two hours before we needed to start getting ready for school and definitely on the wrong side of the bed.

I am not a morning person (I’m working on it) and have noticed myself having a hard time maintaining my composure before my morning coffee. This morning however, I made an active change. Instead of snapping, I took a second to calm my own temper and breath. I took a timeout. Yes I realize those are for children but they work for parents too!

There is nothing I hate more than snapping at Mackenzie and feeling guilty for the rest of the day! The mom guilt is real!


Before raising a child, I never understood the importance of breathing. But it’s literally saved us from HUNDREDS of major fights and aggravating tantrums.

Through many (many) tantrums, I have learned a couple techniques on not losing my cool which I like to call, taking a “Mommy Timeout”.

Mommy Timeout

If you’re able to, walk into another room for 2-3 minutes and breath. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 3, and exhale for 8. Really focus on your breathing. It will allow you to slow your heart rate down and your brain will be able to think more rationally 

*It works well when you need a time out from adults too*

It sounds really simple, and it is! I took a mommy timeout this morning and there is nothing wrong with that! Parenting truly is a rollercoaster that is sometimes dictated by little people who are learning to control their emotions. How can we expect them to control theirs, if we don’t lead by example.

Next time, you feel your blood start to boil, remember to breath!


On a side note, I would love any advice on how to keep a kiddo in bed until it’s time to get up for school. I can tell she’s cranky because she didn’t get all the sleep she needed but it’s not like I can force her eyes closed. Any parents out there have any fun tips?

We have been using the Mirari Teach Me Time Alarm clock since she was a little over three to keep her in her room and allow us just a little more sleep. This was seriously a GAME CHANGER!!! The clock turns yellow when its bed time and she’s not allowed out of her room until it’s green! We even brought it on vacation this past weekend to allow to whole house to sleep! For any parents out there struggling to keep their babies in bed, it’s a must have.

It’s perfect for the weekend but not as successful during the school week since we are up before that light turns green. I’d love to know what you guys do!

Although our morning started off a little rocky, we are going to have a killer rest of the week. Life is what you make it, right?!

I’m going to keep smiling and enjoying these moments with Mackenzie and James!



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